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    Preparedness Pantry Blog
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    It's really all about getting your feet wet, in a safe and fun way, learning to enjoy the outdoors. We don't try to conquer it, but we teach you how to regard it as your friend. Its a fantastic way to keep the budget intact and "get away." It’s great for kids, I know. A study showed that kids who spent time outdoors in nature just generally did better at everything. Its cheaper than a therapist, so why not give it a try yourself? An Exogeny Network™ site. http://get-ready-go.com
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Outdoor gear advertisers & spammers

I am absolutely amazed at the number of comments that this blog attracts from people wanting to advertise their company or product, written in a manner that they are deemed “spam.”  So, for all of you out there who want me to advertise your products on this blog or on my website, I’m going to offer you a solution.

I’m not even being sarcastic, this is sincere.  IF you are a legitimate vendor with a real business, and not someone trying to make a quick buck off of unsuspecting buyers, I want you to send me some very specific information.  Part of it is also requiring that you speak English and are capable of reading this post, which may not be particularly fair in some people’s eyes, but I think it is entirely fair since that’s the language I speak & write, and the language that this blog is written in.

I want your website, a list of your products/brands carried, and a brief paragraph telling me why I should want to list you on my lists of websites and vendors.  If you have something unique, tell me about it.  If you offer a unique service, I’d love to hear about that too.  If you are the owner of a website, and would like me to link to your website because of the information that you could offer to readers of this blog, send me that email!  If you have a product that you would like us to review, that is a possibility too, but send the email first.  We don’t want you to waste money sending us a product that doesn’t fit the type of camping and outdoor activities that we participate in and advocate for others.  (Examples are things like mountain climbing gear-we are a bit short on mountains on the Mississippi Delta, and I don’t have any immediate plans to schedule a mountain trip at this point.)  We do a lot of different things, and while we don’t go mountain climbing, I am supposed to learn the basics of rappelling this year.  Yeah, imagine that…a fat middle aged woman hanging upside down off of a cliff…it ain’t pretty, folks! Especially if it scares me enough (I’m deathly afraid of heights) that I end up peeing my pants…upside down.  That’s one outdoor adventure that doesn’t sound appealing, to be honest, but…I agreed to it, and I’m going to go through with it.  I figure its safer than free climbing on a rock face, and I’ve tried that too.  I will not, and I repeat that one more time, I will NOT agree to bungee jump.  No way, no how, and I’ll freely admit in public that I’m too chicken to try it.  There is NOTHING appealing about bungee jumping to me!  That also goes for sky diving.  I may have a sister who loves it, but I have sense.  I cannot see any good reason to deliberately jump out of a perfectly good airplane for the “fun” of it.  I have friends who have done it, for fun and/or for military training.  I’m not a soldier, I’m too old and too fat.  No thank you…I like the ground under my feet!

See now that I’ve digressed enough that any insincere spam type person has given up, I’m going to give my email address.  Make SURE you put “Get Ready GO blog” in the subject line to prevent ending up in THAT spam folder too!  The email address you can send this letter to is (take out the spaces, you know the routine) giascott (at symbol) gmail dot com.

In the meantime, all you spammers out there, you may as well give it up.  You get deleted, that’s all.  If you can’t be bothered with reading a whole entry and following directions, I can’t be bothered with your spam comments, plain and simple.

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